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  • reaganfowler7

Compare/Contrast Fargo Notes & Response


The camerawork varied throughout the video. In certain scenes they would use close up shots to convey a more intense part in the video. They also used medium shots throughout the conversations of the husband and wife and would change the POV as each individual character would speak. During the scene when the husband was killing the wife, there were multiple shots and angles being used. For example, when the lady was dead on the ground, a high angle shot was used to show the full body.

The sound in any film is very important. Throughout the video the sound would get louder and then quite again, which was probably to make certain parts seem more intense. They grabbed my attention by using the sound of footsteps which made the scene more mysterious. I also realized that when the husband was killing the wife, they made the sounds of him hitting her very loud to show how hard and powerful his hits towards her were.

The use of Mise-en-scene played a big role in the video. They made the setting very dark and gloomy to give a sense of sorrow to the scene. The basement that most of the video took place in was very dark, which added a mysterious affect and gave the audience a feeling of uncertainty. The basement was made to look rusty and props such as the gun, bullet, and hammer were added. All these little details added to the unsureness of what was going to happen. The makeup used was also very important in order to give the scene a very realistic feeling.

The editing in this video is important for numerous reasons. The editing helped bring together each scene and made it easy for the audience to understand what was going on. For example, when the blood was all over the walls when the wife was killed made the scene seem more realistic and intense. Another example is outside the windows of the house it looked rainy and dark outside which set the gloomy setting throughout.


Overall, I feel like I could have gone much more in depth with all of the topics in the notes. I could have talked more about the framework rather than just the angles of which each scene was being taken from. The candidate also wrote down more bullet point notes than I did because I focused more on my final draft. For sound, I could have payed more attention to the settle background noise, rather than only focusing on the more attention grabbing noises. The candidate used a wide range of vocabulary and multiple examples which is something I should have spent more time on doing. For example, for Mise-en-scence, I could have gone much more in depth with my explanation of what I observed. The candidate and I both mentioned that the setting was very dark and set a dull atmosphere. Also, for editing the candidate and I wrote about the lighting and how it impacted the scence. Lastly, the candidate spoke more on the washing machine and different types of shots, where as I talked about the more obvious editing that was in the video.

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